What is Silica Water?
Silica is a naturally occurring mineral which is always found in our bodies. In fact it's an essential mineral and without it life simply wouldn't be possible. Silica is very useful which is why drinking silica water might help you improve your health.
Next to oxygen, silicon is the most abundant element found on the planet. Silica is silicon and oxygen combined, also known as silicon dioxide. It is found in our bones, as well as connective tissue, making it the general fiber of hair, skin, and nails.
The average human body is made up of seven grams of silica by weight. When we consume silica in foods or silica supplements, our body takes what it needs, and flushes out the rest of this water-soluble nutrient. Like the macro-minerals, such as iron and calcium, silica is used all the time, and needs to be constantly replenished.
Silica water is a great product for you if you want to give your immune system boost and generally increase immune system. Silica water may assist you in hair loss prevention and hair loss treatment.If you are looking for an effective weight management system we can show you how to lose weight with a proper silica water intake. Treatment of erectile dysfunction, Atherosclerosis treatment, Osteoporosis treatment, Skin treatment, Cellulite treatment, those are just a few examples where silica water could be used. Silica is necessary for strong bones, strong, flexible joints, and the prevention of osteoporosis, Gastrointestinal problems and erectile dysfunction.
The health benefits of silica water will not manifest overnight, but over time, plentiful supplies of this mineral can slow signs of the aging process and prevent common degenerative diseases.
Our silica water preserves all the attributes of natural water and tastes great!
Do something great for your body today and improve your taste of life with Silica Mineral Healthy Drinking Water!
Silica Water is recommended for:
Maintaining joint flexibility, providing joint support, protecting cartilage, osseous development and calcium assimilation; Reducing swelling, enhancing ligament protection and tissue plasticity; Improving the elasticity of the skin, as well as the strength and luster of the hair and nails; Supporting collagen production for healthy, youthful-looking skin; Decreasing demineralization.
The human body requires proper nutrition to renew, repair and rejuvenate itself on a daily basis.
Enjoy our great tasting and super healthy water now.