The medicinal use of horsetail dates back to ancient Roman and Greek times. The Greeks used horsetail as a wound healer, a diuretic, and an agent to stop bleeding. The North American native peoples used horsetail to treat a number of kidney and bladder ailments.
The German Commission E has approved horsetail as an effective treatment for kidney and bladder inflammations, edema, urinary tract infections, and bacterial infections. Horsetail is rich in silica. Silica helps to promote the body's absorption of calcium, an important component in tissue repair and bone and cartilage formation. It a good source for strengthening weak connective tissues, and healing bones, fractures, and torn ligaments.
Horsetail is also used to treat arthritis and osteoporosis, as the silicon in horsetail may replace lost silicon in the affected bones. Horsetail may be a possible remedy for senility. Senility often occurs when there is more aluminum in the blood than silica. One theory suggests that when the silicon and aluminum levels are balanced, the symptoms of senility will disappear.
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